Designed to attract the attention of potential visitors faster than any other advertising medium, in just 3 minutes a promotional video can develop better engagement than a newspaper or a poster. Video marketing is on the rise for some years and surely has benefits to reach targeted audiences. For shows good visual promotion material is an essential marketing tool for their success. Videos are the perfect tool to reinforce your brand and create a steady (and measurable) flow of targeted and reached visitors.
Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but about the stories you tell - Seth Godin
Placing advertisement in public spaces is getting more and more expensive and sometimes close to unaffordable, promotional videos are much more likely to penetrate into the places where you are performing. When conducted correctly, a video marketing campaign can help your brand reach a new audience and turn them into loyal visitors. Nowadays 61% of buyers in any kind of business in influenced by the content they get presented by the companies. Good quality content will pursuade people to have a more in depth look of the offer you make or the show you offer them. For circus this could be a new possibility to get back into the lives of the younger generation that reviews circus mainly as “children’s entertainment”
Video marketing is:
• cost effective
• visually engaging
• can reach more people of the internet than by print
• can bring your story to life
• video content has a longer life span than traditional editorial & advertising content
When you are promoting your videos and distributing them, you do need a strategy. Like Will Keenan once said:
It's not what you upload, it's the strategy with which you upload - Will Keenan"
In general there are a few types of videos that get a fair amount of displays:
• Launching the video of your new show
• Making off footage in short episodes
• Company history & profile
• Video teasers and artist profiles (with bite sized interviews and performance bits)
Sabioleon has extensive experience in advising companies and guiding the production process. Feel free to contact us!
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