Cultural participation as a status symbol

Big brands like Ferrari and Chanel have spent billions on marketing to become much loved status symbols. It works because people like to distinguish themselves from one another. Visits to theatre, musea, dance and circus are becoming more and more a symbol of status. Social media makes people share their experience and it shows to what group you belong. For marketeers this urge for distinguishment is a splendid opportunity to market their shows as the place to be seen and for visitors to show where they stand in society.



Instead of finding identity, social status and meaning in material things people start to shift towards “experientialism” more and more people find status and meaning in experiences such as cultural visits to circus, musea or theatre. Cultural participation is an inexpensive means of showing off, it imitates a sense of intellectualism and is relatively easy accessible for all social classes.

Cultural institutions represent values such as happiness, luxury, entertainment and cultural development. People do not just distinguish themselves with  expensive products but also with the things they do. In fact people spend more and more money on those visits and experiences they want to impress their peers and social enviroment with. Cultural participation is a statussymbol comparable to a car, watch or expensive pet. People like to show of their cultural visits to polish their status, you are not just the car you drive but you are also the events or places you visit, on social media you can show that realtime.



Circus is capable of telling stories, showing the unimaginable and it has the tools to amplify  brand marketing for third parties.
For example; acrobatics will teach you something about strength, distributing weight. whilst a clown can tell you about the importance of laughter and putting things in perspective.

The other perspective is that circus acts and companies have the opportunity to create a brand themselves. If they master the skill of creating a loved brand they will find it easier to gain bookings, attract customers or visitors and some might even become celebrity. Look at charlie Chaplin, Bello Nock, No Fit State Circus, Cirque d’Hiver, Moulin Rouge, Cirque Eloize or Housh-Ma-Housh.

Mastering a skill makes you versatile. It creates opportunity to work on both sides. Become a part of a brand or be a brand. Use this trend to grow your career and income. Become celebrity at what you do and provide status to yourself and others.

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